Daily Schedule

8:45 – 9
Drop-off and Morning Activity

As children arrive and put things away, they may play with a selected activity.

9 – 9:30
Social-Emotional Skills

Attendance, Question of the Day, Calendar, Songs, and Emotional Skills practiced within the context of circle time giving students the chance to interact with peers and teachers.

9:30 – 10:50
Center Time
(Snacks Available)

Children are given time to explore materials and toys from a variety of subjects. During this time, morning snack will be available for any children that are hungry.

10:50 – 11:20
Arts and Crafts

Children will develop their fine motor skills, pre-writing skills, and artistic expression. They will participate in a variety of process art and product crafts.

11:20 – 11:35
Clean-up and Prepare for Lunch

Children will clean up from art – both the work area and their hands. Older children may be asked to help prepare the table settings for lunch.

11:35 – 12:15
Lunch and Clean-up

Children will be served lunch. They will be given age-appropriate responsibilities such as helping set the table, passing out napkins, and cleaning up any spills.

12:15 – 1:30
Rest Time

Children will be encouraged to rest after lunch. If students cannot sleep, they will be encouraged to complete restful activities such as coloring, reading, or a fine motor activity.

1:30 – 2
Literacy Time

Children will develop pre-reading skills including: phonemic awareness (Heggerty), letter recognition/ phonics (ZooPhonics), letter formation, and comprehension.

2 – 3:15
Outdoor Time

Weather-permitting children will be encouraged to play with a variety of sensory materials outside.

Should weather prove to be dangerous or uncomfortable children will participate in a group exercise activity such as yoga or crossing the midline activities, after the group activity remaining time will be given to free center play.

3:15 – 3:30

Children will come together for a healthy snack, if they are not hungry, they will be encouraged to remain at the table to calm down from playtime.

3:30 – 3:50
Math Time

Children will learn and practice many early math skills including: number recognition, number writing, subitizing, counting, patterns, and shapes.

3:50 – 4:10
Group Gross Motor

Children will practice gross motor skills such as balancing, skipping, catching, throwing.

4:10 – 4:30
Dismissal and Independent Activity

Children can complete a project from earlier in the day or choose an activity to work on as parents pick up students. 

4:30 – 6
After school play group

Children remaining for this time will be given the opportunity for indoor or outdoor play depending on the weather and desires of the group.

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